Munchkin Holiday Surprise
"Munchkin Holiday Surprise is a reprint of Christmas-themed Munchkin boosters and promo cards, plus some new stuff. It consists of 68 cards (39 Doors and 29 Treasures) and contains the following:
- Cards from Munchkin: Waiting For Santa
- Cards from Munchkin Santa's Revenge
- Cards from Munchkin Reindeer Games
- Cards from Munchkin Naughty & Nice
- Two Christmas-themed cards from the various Exclusive Warehouse 23 Munchkin Boosters: Gift Card (2012), and Stocking Stuffers (2010)
- Two Christmas-themed Munchkin Promo Cards: Nativity Scene, Santa's Little Elvis
- Four cards not yet released
- Christmas-themed Kill-O-Meter
- Two Munchkin d6s, one pearlescent red and one pearlescent green"
This is not a standalone game, requires a base game of Munchkin to play!
Excluding Sales Tax