Hey Gamers!! Hopefully this finds you all doing well this beautiful Sunday afternoon, we just wanted to let you know we have had some new games and expansions come into the shop. First off, we have acquired Happy Little Dinosaurs by Unstable Games as well as an expansion that expands the number of players from 4 to 6. The Game itself is a last man standing or first to 40 points game. During the course of the game you are trying to avoid acquiring disasters that will end your particular breed of dinosaur while also trying to acquire points on the race to 40. You get to play as one of different dinosaur breeds including stegosaurus, T-rex, and more! We have also acquired New Pokemon in the form of Pokemon Astral Radiance in the 3 - pack blister with a coin as well as normal booster packs and some Elite Trainer Boxes. We have new Yu-Gi-Oh in Yu-Gi-Oh Dimension Force. And lastly new Digimon in Digimon New Awakenings!
We also still have 3 conventions coming up within the next few months. Tampa Bay Comic Con is July 29th to July 31st at the Tampa Convention Center where we will be set up with a booth displaying much of what you see here on site! Fantasm is August 19th to August 21st in Orlando, and we are looking for game masters! If you want to enjoy the convention and volunteer so you can get your money back you can do so here! Last but not least, we have Necronomicon from September 23rd to September 25th in Tampa! Necronomicon will also be looking for volunteers so keep an eye out!! Lengthy update today, but lots going on. Thanks for being here with us!
-Alpha Quadrant Games